Been ages! Here’s a track I bought blind and ripped / sent to a few friends, while searching for random ragga jungle obscurities which I’d never heard managed to hear before. One of them really rated it, and suggested I upload it here. Macka B needs no introduction for anyone in the UK – a…
Tag: ragga jungle
DJ Massive – Final Conflict
I’ve posted plenty of stuff by DJ Massive before, both the DJ Massive C one (aka Alan from Elementz of Noize) and Roy Lasprilla. Not 100% sure which one did this. UPDATE: Roy Lasprilla has confirmed he did it. Either way, this is another quality EP under that name, this time in a 1995 ragga…
Scratch C & Shaka Black – Dread Ah Star
I’m actually in the UK right now, checking Bangface Weekender this weekend. This trip, I decided to chuck a tiny portable record player in my bag, so I could play and even rip records during any down time. Well, it’s Sunday night and despite being in London it seems there’s not much going on, so…
Bad Bone & Tyrel – I Wanna Sex U Up
I haven’t posted a tune in ages, so yesterday I walked over to my crates and pulled a record entirely at random. I didn’t really like that first record though, so I grabbed the record next to it, which was this one. Here’s one of the countless fast and naughty jungle re-licks cranked out on…
Digital Konfusion – Kill Dem Dead (Steaks Ill-Matic Mix)
A recent thread on B2VOS got me thinking about US produced tracks again – here’s one I like a lot, which is much better produced than the last EP I posted. This one is by a crew out of New York called Digital Konfusion, who I think primarily consisted of I-Cue and Peppersteak. I-Cue was…
Aka Bu – Jungle Vibes
Here’s another obscurity I dug up a while back, one for the jungle nerds (like me) looking to hear those last few records no one really knows. Since there wasn’t any audio of it on the net, I ripped the whole thing and posted it on youtube rather than just ripping one track for the…
DJ Gunshot – Wheel and Deal
I was about to post a less known DJ Gunshot tune, but I might as well post his big anthem. If you’ve listened to any decent amount of 94-95 jungle, there’s no way you’ve escaped hearing some mix of this tune. It kind of epitomizes the most crowd pleasing aspects of 94-95 jungle: r+b vocals,…
Blacka T – Jungle Ina Mi Heart
Been a while since I posted something sufficiently rare that it’s not even listed on Discogs! Here’s a wicked little ragga jungle record which fits that bill. What makes this EP interesting, aside from the scarcity and format (not many jungle 45s out there), is that it seems more from the dancehall/ragga scene than from…
Jaco – Wicked Everytime
More quality-not-quantity business… here’s a somewhat underrated ragga jungle record from 95, somewhat in demand but thankfully not one of those crazy ones on Fist2fist or Slam! that go for more than a 4 bedroom house. Unity put out a number of good singles, the best known of which is no doubt Rude & Deadly…
Brock Out Crew – Hard Core Romance
Here’s one of my favorite track on the Slam!/FistToFist series of label, and ironically one of the ones which you can get for not too too much if you look long enough. As I mentioned in this previous post of a tune from Slam!, a lot of the tracks on there are super expensive and…