I’ve got some spare time over the Holidays, so I figure it might be nice to post up a few releases that don’t have audio on the net anywhere. With this kind of music about 100x times more popular than it was when I was actively running this blog 10-15 years ago, and with tons…
Author: Pete
AV-8 – Pyrogen (Mad Monk Mix)
Been ages, hope everyone is doing OK! Here’s an absolutely mad 1992 tune that showed up in the mail for me recently. Honestly I’m not too phased by weird 92-93 stuff, but this one was so off I couldn’t help but post it here. No idea about more info on the artist, or label. The…
Macka B – Salute
Been ages! Here’s a track I bought blind and ripped / sent to a few friends, while searching for random ragga jungle obscurities which I’d never heard managed to hear before. One of them really rated it, and suggested I upload it here. Macka B needs no introduction for anyone in the UK – a…
Natural Progression – What’s Your Name
Sorry, very little motivation to post individual tunes here anymore. Same reasons as stated before: facebook replacing blogs, all sorts of random obscurities I never thought would ever be rediscovered getting proper reissues meaning posting audio of them isn’t the one, etc. But I’ll still try to stick some real nerdy obscurities up now and…
JB Collective – Move Ya Body!
The past few years, it’s become harder and harder to find those last few 92-95 obscurities that don’t have any trace on sites like Discogs. I know there’s still a number of white labels out there which haven’t been listed (stuff friends or friends of friends have), but with Discogs turning 20 this year, it…
Audio Sculpture – U & Me
It’s been a while, so here’s another obscurity which doesn’t have audio up on youtube right now and which I’ve never seen anyone talk about. Tim and I have been playing it on radio for a few years now, and it’s gone over well but never has left anyone frantically scrambling for an ID. No…
Unknown Artist – Easy Life EP [EL001]
Here’s a killer whitelabel I’ve been playing for years now, while being a bit grubby and trying to keep it a secret from tracklists etc (my copy was a bit battered, it didn’t pop up that much and I was hoping to find a cleaner one for cheap eventually). Randomly, the producers popped on discogs…
Unknown Artist – The Block Up EP
As mentioned previously, I’m going to try to get back into some tune posts here, focusing mostly on really obscure stuff… I just got back from another quick UK trip and I’d say this EP fits the bill. There’s no info about this EP on discogs (I just added it for the sake of this…
Unknown Artist (DIC EP 004)
Here’s a record I don’t own OR know anything about, but I’m hoping someone will see this and help in one or both of those regards… pretty please?? I first heard about this EP roughly half a year ago, when Handsome Jak from the Beautifully Crafted Jungle crew started asking about it on a tune…
Colin B – Price of War
Wow, it’s been a year since I posted any individual tunes on blog to the oldskool. In fact, it’s been so long that when I went back to do a post, I was faced with this annoying new blog editing UI and ended up losing this post not once but twice. Hopefully 3rd time is…