Been ages! Here’s a track I bought blind and ripped / sent to a few friends, while searching for random ragga jungle obscurities which I’d never heard managed to hear before. One of them really rated it, and suggested I upload it here.
Macka B needs no introduction for anyone in the UK – a well known reggae vocalists since the 80’s with plenty of tunes to his name. “Salute” is a track dedicated to black football players in the UK, and the racism they’ve had to deal with. It was released on Mad Professor’s label, Ariwa.
“salute the black football youth
long they be taking a lot of abuse
salute the black football youth
putting themselves to good use”
Obviously this has been a topic in the news as of late with the Euro 2020 results / online abuse directed at some players, but it’s always been an ongoing issue in Football, in the UK and in other countries worldwide. Big shout to Macka B for calling it out this out in a tune all those years ago. I doubt this got much rotation in big jungle sets, but it’s a fun tune with catchy vocals, no doubt!
Macka B – Salute
Hey great blog man thanks to sharing this! Please may I ask you for an mp3 of this?
this is great, I too would love an mp3 if possible please
click the 3 dots next to the volume control to find the download link
This blog is fire! Bringing back some great memories. Thank you!!!