Here’s a fun 92 tune I’ve been waiting to play in a mix, but since there hasn’t been a good opportunity and no tracks have been posted in a while, I’ll force myself to post it up in full. I first came across this tune in a mix by the brilliant Chris DJ Sav (RIP).…
Tag: 1992
Drumatix – Crank Dis
Thanks to everyone who locked in on Sunday! As much as I want to post the sets up ASAP, I’ll give you a couple of nice tunes first, starting with this wicked 92 track by Rennie Pilgrim and (I assume) his brother. For me, this tune is all about the main breakbeat. It seems like,…
Parallel – Untitled (Eeze the Pressure)
Here’s a nice Bay B Kane related track that I’ve been into as of late, which I think is a bit overlooked – I certainly overlooked it until recently. Even on the EP it’s featured on, at least two other tracks (“How should I Start” and the “Let Me Feel It Once More” remix) are…
Zeno Zip – Mind Games
Here’s a cool 92 one-shot release by a one-shot artist. Nothing too mad, just nice hooky samples bordering on novelty but still within reason for me, plus good changeups and solid production for a 92 one-off EP. If I remember right, this was on my wantlist for quite a few years, nowadays it seems a…
Getto Youth – Untitled (Jet Star)
Here’s an underrated whitelabel that used to get played by Brockie and Randall, but I don’t really hear many people playing now. I think maybe Ben Nebkins pointed me to it? Or maybe I grabbed it on my own, I forget now. Either way, it’s not one that would stand out if you’re looking for…
DJ Cherokee – Headstrong
Here’s a nice never-before-released tune from 92 which I saw posted a few places (b2vos, discogs)… definitely worth nabbing while it’s available. Originally the artist wanted to do a limited vinyl press, unfortunately I don’t think the demand was what he wanted. As mentioned in the last post, 92 stuff doesn’t seem to be as…
Greylox – Call the Cops
When it comes to various oldskool styles 90-2000, it’s no secret that 1994-97 stuff has been getting a lot more shine these days. It used to be 92 was all the rage, then darkside seemed kind of trendy for a bit, now anything atmospheric / vibey is the one. That’s not to take away from…
Ross Phenallas – Aboriginal
I may be slacking on tune posts lately, but when I do post them I mean business… this tune is a personal favorite discovery of mine from recent time: totally underappreciated / unknown 91-92 style bleepy acidy breakbeat stuff. What makes this tune for me is the combination of aforementioned sounds with sinister pads, weird…
E-Mense – Sweet Sex
Here’s a 92 track I’ve never heard anyone talk about / haven’t heard in mixes, but which was on my wants list for years. It wasn’t a top want so I wasn’t heavily digging for it, but I never really saw copies for sale either. Sort of one of those smaller tunes which seemed to…
L.S. Diezel & Launch Dat – Rougher Than A Lion
In case hardcore hip hop isn’t your bag (per yesterday’s post), here’s a favorite hardcore tune I found thanks to an ID which Nebkins got for an Easygroove mix… Yet again, Dennis Easygroove coming through with the absolutely wicked obscure selection. Lots of DJs were digging back then but it’s especially amazing what sort of…