Here’s a record I don’t own OR know anything about, but I’m hoping someone will see this and help in one or both of those regards… pretty please??
I first heard about this EP roughly half a year ago, when Handsome Jak from the Beautifully Crafted Jungle crew started asking about it on a tune ID group. Jak posted a couple quick 10 second video clips, but I couldn’t ID it for the life of me, nor could anyone else including heavyweights like Nebkins or JJ/DeepInside. After chatting with Jak about it, trying to get any additional matrix etchings etc, he decided to post it in full to youtube. In turn, I took those videos and tried to add it to discogs with what little info Jak could see based on the record. Sadly there’s no info to go on, as not only was it a random grab but it was part of a bulk lot that a friend of his (another BCJ’er I believe) got and then passed on to him.