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Tag: choppage

91 Whitelabels

Assuming the “tag cloud” feature on here is to be trusted, I’ve been posting lots of 92 and later stuff recently. Here’s a couple of 91 favorites. This first one I just got on my recent trip to Europe… It’s a wicked 1991 white label with really solid production and tons of changeups / choppy…

Dopeski & Jakes

The weather has been pretty cold and shitty in Boston lately, so here’s some 93 darkness courtesy of Dopeski & Jakes. First up is the Snowstorm EP on Wardance Records. “Snowstorm” has all the trappings of a quality early darkside tune – twisted synths, chopped beats, screams, etc. “Cantankerous” is the lightest of the four…

DJ Fokus

DJ Fokus is without a doubt one of my favorite of the lesser known 93-95 artists. Originally releasing on the label Blueprint Records, his first release “The Theme” bw “Disengaged” is an in-demand amen smasher, fetching high prices these days. He followed this EP up with a solo outing on the same label, before releasing…