It’s been a while, so here’s another obscurity which doesn’t have audio up on youtube right now and which I’ve never seen anyone talk about. Tim and I have been playing it on radio for a few years now, and it’s gone over well but never has left anyone frantically scrambling for an ID. No…
Tag: 199?
Unknown Artist – Untitled white label (AM22505/AM22506)
UPDATE:, it’s been tentatively ID’d as Clarkee & Kriss-E Boy- Hardcore Revival EP. According to Andrew Abernathy on facebook: [it] came out early 00’s. I bought a copy myself in the local drum & bass/ garage shop. I asked esp clarke-e but he said it wasn’t by him. Since I’ve been terrible about posting tunes…
Kismet – Get Up
Here’s an interesting extremely obscure breakbeat hardcore track I grabbed some years ago, based purely on how rare it seemed and the fact I couldn’t find any audio for it online. As usual with these sort of things, it didn’t turn out to be a top-secret huge classic / long lost unknown which countless people…
Unknown Artist – 36 Chambers
Here’s a big anonymous jungle whitelabel I’m sure some people will want to track down. I grabbed it on the cheap when buying a bunch of tunes in bulk. Not sure when it’s from: 95? 96? 97? Though the sequencing sounds 95-style to me, it could definitely be a bit later. If anyone remembers when…
Digital Konfusion – Kill Dem Dead (Steaks Ill-Matic Mix)
A recent thread on B2VOS got me thinking about US produced tracks again – here’s one I like a lot, which is much better produced than the last EP I posted. This one is by a crew out of New York called Digital Konfusion, who I think primarily consisted of I-Cue and Peppersteak. I-Cue was…
Lion Dog Chester – Tap Dancing (Green Light Mix)
Here’s a quite obscure jungle tune I nabbed a while back which I’ve never heard absolutely anything about – in fact, the only version listed on discogs is the test-press, though my copy is a full label press. This tells me that maybe there’s a bunch of these stashed away somewhere unsold? But for whatever…
Blog to the Oldskool Radio on Soundcloud and Mixcloud
Just a quick heads up that all past episodes of the radio show are now uploaded on Mixcloud, and most are slowly going onto Soundcloud (just a handful more to go!) The catch is that some mixes can’t go on SC because they contain DMCA-able tracks…So far I’ve run into 2 problem ones being blocked:…
PBB – Dum Diddley Dum
Here’s a great earlier track from the States, circa (1990?1991?). Pitched up it +8% like this, it actually goes quite well with early hardcore. No idea about the artist/label, if anyone knows anything please let me know! Definitely one for the 90/91 heads though. PBB – Dum Diddley Dum
Schedule 3 – Break U Down
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a US obscurity, so here’s a nice tune that I don’t think many people know about. “Break You Down” is one of those super simple tracks that just combines a couple of critical elements of other tracks, but to very nice effect. Here we get the breaks from…
Desire – The Feeling Within Me
Here’s a longtime secret track I grabbed super cheap a few years back. I held off posting it because, even though it was quite cheap, nobody had it for sale on discogs (though it was cheap on another site), also I never heard anyone talk about it… I almost considered buying up a bunch of…