I’ve got some spare time over the Holidays, so I figure it might be nice to post up a few releases that don’t have audio on the net anywhere. With this kind of music about 100x times more popular than it was when I was actively running this blog 10-15 years ago, and with tons…
Tag: weird
Theory – Funkin Since 11
Damn, back to slacking with the tune posts…. here’s an odd obscure-for-the-sake-of tune to make up for it. No idea about this one, other than I’d never seen it before so took a chance on it. It’s supposedly a US record (according to Discogs), though I don’t remember whether there was any indication about that…
Plutone – The Damned II
Here’s a fun 92 tune I’ve been waiting to play in a mix, but since there hasn’t been a good opportunity and no tracks have been posted in a while, I’ll force myself to post it up in full. I first came across this tune in a mix by the brilliant Chris DJ Sav (RIP).…
Original DJ Vibes – Skin Up
It’s been quite a while since I’ve been motivated to post a tune on here. Last night I was rooting around a bit and found this tune, and couldn’t wait to play it in a DJ set. Original DJ Vibes is a really underrated producer in my opinion, from earlier hardcore days through to jungle…
Wiz – Freak Sexy Style
Here’s a personal favorite of mine from the Absolute 2 label… only for fans of weird, dark, strange oldskool. No catchy anthem business here! This EP is far removed from the other Wiz EP on Detroit House, so much so it almost makes me wonder whether it’s by the same artist (Mike James). But James…
Eat Life – Digital Fish
Here’s a fun track I put in my mix for beantownboogiedown last year… despite the fast tempo and presence of breaks, “Digital Fish” is sort of a techno/hardcore/jungle hybrid, “jungle techno” without sounding that similar to Ron Wells/Basement Records stuff (though that’s what I’m most tempted to mix it with). Produced by Nick Power (who…
Sub Love – Maniac Music
Wow, I can’t believe I’ve gone 5 years writing this blog without posting about Sub Love… I think I’ve been subconsciously holding off just so I’d have something special to post on a rainy day. Well today looks pretty miserable out, so I guess now is as good a time as any! Sub Love was…
ASC – Dreadlox
Here’s the extremely difficult to listen to track I mentioned recently… ASC’s “Dreadlox” on Bass Sphere. To be clear, this record is NOT by the leftfield + atmo dnb producer of the same name, though I know that producer was into oldskool back in these times.. rather, I think this EP was done as a…
Abreaction – The Mind
Something a bit different here… I remember this tune being listed on some website a few years ago as “experimental hardcore.. for the deeper heads!” or something to that extent. Listening to the tune then I thought “I don’t get it, these beats are pretty straightforward/not that choppy? sounds pretty normal to me”. I guess…
DJ Senator & The Bagman – Tranqued
Here’s an interesting EP which took me a while to get fully into – it sounded promising when I heard it years ago, but when I finally got around to buying a copy, none of the tracks really resonated much and it kind of sat in the back of my collection. I just found it…