Here’s a long time favorite which still seems to be going for reasonably cheap, though the original is a bit harder to find. Strange since I definitely like the original, but this remix wins for me, no doubt about it. Nothing too crazy going on here element-wise. As you’d expect, you get the twilight zone…
Tag: bay b kane
Parallel – Untitled (Eeze the Pressure)
Here’s a nice Bay B Kane related track that I’ve been into as of late, which I think is a bit overlooked – I certainly overlooked it until recently. Even on the EP it’s featured on, at least two other tracks (“How should I Start” and the “Let Me Feel It Once More” remix) are…
Bay B Kane – new Digital Reissues
I recently got pointed to these Bay B Kane reissues which have come out digitally. As much as I love and am focused on collecting vinyl, the fact is plenty of people prefer digital now, so it’s great that both classic Bay B Kane tracks and some unreleased tunes are making it to official digi-release.…
Bay B Kane – Hyd & Seek
Everyone who reads this site should know about Bay B Kane: either by virtue of him being one of the top hardcore/jungle producers ever, or at the very least (for less informed people checking this), from reading the 3 part interview I posted on here a while back. This track is not as well known…
Vice Squad – On the Edge
Here’s another “wicked but inexplicably goes for next to nothing” record. It’s by Darren J & Micky Finn, with production by Bay B Kane. Absolutely nasty Bay B Kane style bass and breaks in this. If you like it, head over to discogs where apparently someone is selling a copy for 1 pound (!) Vice…
Bay B Kane Interview , pt 3 (final part)
Apologies for the delay in this part, I’ve been on tour / vacation in Europe with spotty internet access.. I’m posting this final portion of the interview comes from Madrid, Spain. Thanks a ton to Mel for doing this interview, anyone interested can reach him at . Enjoy – Pete Track You’re Most Proud Of…
Bay B Kane interview part 2
Continuing with the interview, part 1 is below. Also, anyone looking to contact Bay B Kane can email him at Different Aliases I will try to answer the question about all the different aliases which i released tracks under. First of all, lets see how many i can remember… Bay b Kane Kid Thunder Double…
Bay B Kane interview, part 1
Anyone who thinks they know oldschool but doesn’t own at least a few Bay B Kane releases should be ashamed of themselves! From 1990 to 1996, Mel Tanur aka Bay B Kane was one of the most prolific and influential hardcore/jungle producers around. Tracks like “Hello Darkness”, “Bagpipes in Effect” and “Quarter To Doom” are…