After what seems like ages waiting for the right moment to release info, it’s finally time for the next 8205 release info to come to light: DJ Exodus + Head Pressure – The Dreadkiller EP. This release, done in collaboration with 7th Storey Projects, contains four absolutely wicked tracks by DJ Exodus + Head Pressure…
Tag: 8205 Recordings
DJ Trax – Mixrace 92-96 Mix for Blog To the Oldskool
To celebrate the official release of 8205-001 today, Dave DJ Trax (aka one half of Mixrace) has put together a wicked mix of some of the classic tunes he and Dev wrote together in the 1992-1996 period, including some special re-edits and unreleased versions never before heard. This mix is definitely one to check, moving…
8205-001 Mixrace “Dirty Amen” Back for Sale
Update: All copies have now sold… thanks to everyone for supporting this release!!! After a long wait, it’s finally here!!! Though most copies are already spoken for due to preorder, remaining copies of 8205-001 Mixrace “Dirty Amen / Express Yourself Rmx” will go up on the Seventh Storey Projects site at 7am GMT today (Thursday…
8205-001 Update
Good news: the records have arrived at Seventh Storey Project in the UK!! However, they still need to be checked, assembled, and shipped. It looks like there are indeed some spare copies due to overage, (20 or so?), which will go for sale on the Seventh Storey store THIS THURSDAY May 22nd. UK/World preorders will…
8205-001 Mixrace “Dirty Amen / Express Yourself Rmx” back for sale
Good news for anyone who still wants a copy: Based on the response the first day, we’ve managed to intercept the pressing at the plant and add an additional 50 copies to it, bringing the total pressing up to 175. This should cover everyone on the waiting list, while leaving extra copies for further preorder…
Follow Up – 8205-001 Preorders sold out / reserve list
Quick Followup to yesterday’s preorder post. I just checked in with Seventh Storey, and all available copies have been pre-ordered. Big thanks to everyone who has helped this sell out in under 24 hours! Because of this, Seventh Storey and I are creating a reserve list for anyone who is interested in this release, should…
8205-001 Mixrace “Dirty Amen / Express Yourself Rmx” Clips/Preorder
Preorder for 8205-001 is now available for 8205-001 Mixrace “Dirty Amen / Express Yourself Rmx”. There’s two options, UK/World and US preorder. Seventh Storey Projects will be handling the UK/World orders. US people are also welcome to order through Seventh Storey as well, the shipping will be a bit higher but they have a lot…