Been ages! Here’s a track I bought blind and ripped / sent to a few friends, while searching for random ragga jungle obscurities which I’d never heard managed to hear before. One of them really rated it, and suggested I upload it here. Macka B needs no introduction for anyone in the UK – a…
Tag: 1994
Unknown Artist – Easy Life EP [EL001]
Here’s a killer whitelabel I’ve been playing for years now, while being a bit grubby and trying to keep it a secret from tracklists etc (my copy was a bit battered, it didn’t pop up that much and I was hoping to find a cleaner one for cheap eventually). Randomly, the producers popped on discogs…
Jules – Love Me (Digital Pressure Drum & Bass Mix)
With the crazy prices most 94-95 jungle is going for, it’s probably worth posting some nice cheaper unknown things – though almost all jungle has risen quite a bit the past few years, there’s still some obscurities going for next to nothing. In this case, at the time of posting this, this EP has 8…
CIS Production – Grave Digger
Here’s a slept-on 94 track I meant to play for the past two radio shows, but didn’t get around to – might as well post it here!! I’m not sure if it really counts as “darkside” since it’s a bit late for that. Instead, it’s more gloriously gross, moody and odd choppy low-fi jungle. “Grave…
Another Dimension – Twilight Zone (Key of Imagination Mix)
Here’s a long time favorite which still seems to be going for reasonably cheap, though the original is a bit harder to find. Strange since I definitely like the original, but this remix wins for me, no doubt about it. Nothing too crazy going on here element-wise. As you’d expect, you get the twilight zone…
NRG – Domino
Here’s a fun track for Friday.. guessing the only reason this wasn’t bigger back when released was that it came out in 94 but sounds very much 92 style… not just the uplifting pianos (which contrast nicely with the Cape Fear soundtrack music sample), but the low fi hiphop vocals bits, etc. In fact, it…
Fusion & Dexterous D – Arm of Orion
Here’s a tune I know nothing about, but have played on the blog2 radio show a few times over the past couple years. It’s a nice amen track that sort of borders the line between dark and vibey. Not sure about the artist behind it, other than he might have been connected to Bizzy Brain…
Torchman – Shine
Here’s a tune which flew under my radar for ages, but I’ve really come around to as of late. For those who don’t know, Torchman is an long-long-longtime veteran of the UK jungle/hardcore scene, since before that scene even existed (starting with Acid House in the 80’s). Aside from DJing top events like Fantazia, Orange,…
White Lightning – So Many Tears
Here’s a nice vibey number by Ron Wells (aka Jack Smooth of Basement Recs fame) and Scott Free (who did a wicked EP on Basement called “Street Fighter” or “Street Fighting” if I remember right). It’s not one of Smooth’s best known tracks, and it’s somewhat removed from his earlier more “jungle techno” style, but…
LV – Speed (Bomb On The Bus) (Le Remix)
Here’s a fun track, the original of which was released on two different white labels. The first is a bit harder to find and pricier, and features the original of this tune along with a wicked unrelated tune. That original is still probably my favorite of the two, but rather than posting the obvious in-demand…