just read about this on BlissBlog yesterday.
Relevant 92 tune, cashing in on the “Charlie” / “Sesame’s Treet” thing & nicking the piano from “Far Out” along the way.
DJ Burnz – Bagpuss (Bagpuss on 8 Mix)
Another track for today, not connected but one of my absolute favorites and one which seems pretty unknown/underrated: EQ “Drop The Bass”. EQ, aka Matt Gray, did quite a few good early 91 style releases on labels like Kinetix.
Like the Nookie tune I posted a while back, simplicity is the key in “Drop The Bass”. Just a few parts alternating, leading to a massive hands in the air section and a goosebump-inducing resolution. Shame that the track just kind of fades out at the end, although I’m not sure where else it could have possibly gone from there…
EQ – Drop The Bass
EQ track is a killer, for sure.
O man, I remember you sent me a mix with that EQ track in it a while back and I must have clicked back to that part 50 times. So glad to have it alone now!