A year before putting out the massive anthem “Hardcore Heaven” on FFrreedom, DJ Seduction released a much-less-known EP of bleepy Warp style hardcore goodness. The production on this is great, with nice layering of drum machine hits with breaks, good track structure, etc. The bpm is pretty low (125 and 127 bpm for the A and B side respectively), but the slower tempo helps the tracks kick a bit harder and also means they can mix with easily with a variety of non-hardcore tunes.
I really can’t choose which track to post, the A side has the wicked LFO bleeps, while the B side has top notch bass. So (for the time being at least) here’s both sides…
DJ Seduction – Bleep Bleep Mash Mash
DJ Seduction – Smile Bass
nice. i actually have run into a number of copies of hardcore heaven at random places (the “gay” section of a local hiphop 12″ shop), but never seen this one.
me dave the rave no1raver northeast legend I love my old skool rave