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Stevie Hyper D & Tigger Max – Hear The Vibes

Here’s another track from my hardcore for Beantown This one is a really class early ragga hardcore number, featuring the one and only Stevie Hyper D on vocals. For those who don’t know, Stevie Hyper D is considered one of the top hardcore/jungle MCs of all time, a real legend in the scene who sadly passed away in 1998. Though he was an MC and not a producer, he was featured on some good tracks, such as this EP and The Junglist Hooligan EP (which I never bought… someone sell me that one!). “Hear Da Vibes” reminds me a bit of early SUAD type material, though a bit more low fi production-wise. Despite the date on discogs it sounds a bit more like 1991 track than a 1992 track to me, and some of the vocals are quite repetitive, but it’s definitely gotten stuck in my head because of this. Few people seem to have it on discogs (only 15 as I write this), hopefully hearing it here will get a few more people interested in nabbing a copy!

Stevie Hyper-D and Tigger Max – Hear The Vibes

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