I can’t help it, I’m totally hooked on these US edits of oldskool tracks. Even when they don’t add much to the originals, these edits still seem to revive tunes which I’ve listened to far too many times. They also seem to be an interesting choice for DJ’ing live, since you basically get to play big anthems while still leaving something for the nerds (like me) to trainspot.
Today’s edit comes from the Rampage! vol 1 vinyl, an EP released by Ultimix (one of those big remix companies like Razormaid etc). The record pressing and packaging is actually really nice – two marbled black vinyl records in a color picture sleeve. Often DJ promo edits like this come in simple packaging with track names and little else, so it’s nice to have a proper release with artwork etc.
Aside from the Kaotic Chemistry edit, there’s also several more promising looking oldskool edits on this: a Prodigy “In the Jungle / Out of Space” edit, and one of D’Cruze “World Within a World”. Unfortunately, those other two edits don’t really deliver in my opinion. The Prodigy one uses vocals from a live version of a tune, but doesn’t manage to combine the two songs in an interesting way. You basically just get some parts from each of the tracks plus the aforementioned vocals. In comparison, the D’Cruze edit sounds fine and more coherent, but on closer listen it’s basically just the Criminal Minds remix with a few parts jostled around… no extra samples or anything interesting going on. I literally had to play the edit and the cm remix at the same time, crossfading between each other to identify differences. Also, the d’cruze edit seems a bit more repetitive than the Criminal Minds remix, which makes it good for DJ’ing purposes but not as interesting for home listening (and hence not something I’m ripping & posting here).
This Kaotic Chemistry LSD/Spacecakes edit is the winRAR of the EP – Contrary to the track title, it actually combines Kaotic Chemistry’s “Drum Trip 2” with “Illegal Subs”, which makes sense since those two are on the opposite side of the LSD EP (guessing the remixer read the label wrong on that EP). This edit also layers in extra Jungle Brothers vocals and the synth from Bombscare Remix. Definitely an interesting little edit in my opinion!
Not much different than the original.
3 mins – 4 mins and from 5 mins on I think is pretty much all new in the edit I posted above… that’s actually a lot for these tracks Remember these aren’t remixes, they’re “edits” meant (I think) to slightly change the original to make them more dj-friendly and/or possibly to get around licensing issues. I tend to prefer the ones that also throw in new samples though.
LSD is one of my favorite songs to dance to ever. It’s all me.
and this DJ EDIT does the job!
You should check out this series:
In the early 90s, Dallas had a pretty nice hardcore following along with several talented producers. Some of these producers put out DJ edits of some great hardcore tunes – here’s a discogs link for reference (particularly the releases in 92):
thanks yeah I’ve got most of the good ones, posted some of them here and interviewed Josh Kay who did tracks on a few of them:
Pete – thank you. I grew up in Dallas and followed these guys as much as I could.
I would love to hear the tracks from the Global EP if you have it – I’ve got one from another compilation called Trip or Freq