OK, been a bit slack on the individual tune posts so here’s an absolute c-l-a-s-s-i-c to make up for it. This is a one-off EP made famous by Bukem playing it in one of his Best Yaman tapes Hardcore vol 11. The flipside was also in a previous Yaman tape (Hardcore Vol 9), but I think this is the track that most people know and prefer. On one hand, “Resurrection” has got all the trappings of a 93 darkside gem – moody synths, horror movie samples (the aforementioned “Demon Resurrection” line from Evil Dead), and rolling amens. At the same time though, the track moves back and forth from outright horror movie style orchestral music to a more vibey, uplifting, deep sort of “darkside” sound – the kind which doesn’t sound “dark” in the traditional sense of the word, but more just deep and proto-intelligent and in contrast to fun bouncy ravestab pianofest stuff which preceded it in 92.
The only minor downside to this tune is the somewhat strange low fi nature of the beats (maybe “overblown” is the right word?), but the nice rolling nature of the beats fits the melody perfectly, and it’s a perfect example of vibes easily winning out over technical prowess or clinical production. And if you can’t suspend disbelief about a minor production issue in light of an overall great tune, oldskool probably isn’t the music style for you 🙂 All in all, a big big tune I listen to and spin a lot, worth tracking down despite the moderately large price tag.
Removed because tracks have been reissued on limited vinyl
Love this tune, still need to bag a copy