Onto a wicked 95 one ripped by Tim Reaper (I’ve got it as well but never got around to digitizing mine). Even with jungle regaining popularity and prices of once-cheap EPs skyrocketing, this has remained quite a easy one to nab, making it a must-own for anyone serious about their 94-95 jams. Produced by a duo including ST Files as well as Morgan OSL, a DJ From back in those days still doing excellent jungle sets/mixes (now on dream fm uk), we get some pleasant pads and the classic C&C Music Factory “Keep it Comin'” acapella vocals (as used in Omni Trio “Thru the Vibe” and a billion others), leading up to mental choppy amens and fx which, despite being undeniably hectic, still retain lots of space and regular breakdowns so your ears don’t get completely washed out early on (also so there’s plenty of room for mixing in another tune). The flip is nice as well, a bit more of a subdued breaky thing with jump up-y bass.
Given the catchiness of the tunes and the relatively large label (Intalex), you’d think this would be in everyone’s collection. However, checking the discogs data, it still looks far less common in jungle collections there than, say, something on Back 2 Basics or Liftin Spirit. Hopefully posting it here will change that – I can’t imagine fans of labels like that NOT wanting this tune, especially for the current cheap prices it goes for. Big respect to Morgan OSL and whoever else produced this EP (mark xtc? marcus intalex?)