If you check this blog a lot, you’re probably aware how much I love tracks with lowfi choppy breakbeats layered up. This track by Formula 7 fits that description well – a resequenced kickback intro transitions into that beat combined with the terminator break, combined with simple sci-fi-esque pads and a repeating “I thought voodoo was something everyone was frightened of!” sample. Pretty nice but, in of itself nothing too crazy or different sounding, and perhaps showing its age a bit on a 94 release. However, that all changes at 1:55… the track fades out somewhat abruptly and a crazy half/full time bit degraded breakdown kicks in!! Normally any low bitrate sounding beats in early oldskool tracks were seemingly done out of necessity (samples started off low bitrate, and when you pitch them down sufficiently, it gives a mild bit-reduce effect). Here though, it sounds like this was done specifically as an effect in the tune. Off the top of my head I’m having trouble thinking of other oldskool tracks where this was done, it certainly wasn’t common. If anyone knows some, feel free to leave a comment here. Nowadays, the sound is done to death thanks to countless bit reduction VSTs and the redux effect in ableton… but it’s certainly not something I expected to hear in a 94 jungle track though! Nice one Roy & Bizzy for the early beat science!
the otherside of this record has the most ridiculous amount of bass ever commited to wax. (during the breakdown)
I’d love to hear the other side of this, but I can’t find it anywhere. Could you please upload it?
Audio of the flipside here.
Thank you very much.