Here’s Sunday’s Jungletrain set. For this show, I ended up playing all not-on-label 92 tracks, with a few at the end which may have been from 93-94 (but definitely sound 92 style). There’s a pretty deep selections here – definitely plenty of bigger well known whitelabels as well, but a few that even the most anorak-of-anoraks might not know. In the end, the recording ended up clipping heavily, so I did a strictly one take rerecord and just cut a couple bits out where the recording messed up.
Re: the tracklist, I tried something new this time: I used a text to speech program to read off the track titles radio-style as they’re playing in the mix. That way, if you listen through the entire mix, you’re guaranteed to know the ID for every tune you may have liked. There’s also no trying to guess where the 30th tune out of 49 is in the mix etc… just listen through and if you hear something good, the track name is right there for you. There’s 48 tracks total, and originally this took 2 hours to play but since I had all the records selected / in order on rerecord, this version only took 90 minutes. So it’s a pretty quick fly through lots of cool 92 whitelabels… check it out!!
Wicked selection Pete some real quality tracks that you don’t usually hear in the mix love the 92 sound.
You need to do some more mixes like dis one.