Having realised that it has been a while since I contributed to this place, I looked through my recent CD purchases to see what good tunes (that wouldn’t get the blog removed) I could post. This one was a good shout because it takes the original hardcore Roy Ayers sampling track by T.H.C. (Slipmatt & Lime), which was made in 93 & brings it forward, with a newer jungle feel.
Remixed by Jo, one of the dancers from SL2 that then later went onto to make the seminal anthem R-Type, she lends her hand at bringing the original up to date with a much faster pace, using such frenetic break edits & switching, couple with a subtle 808 roll-out bassline. I think this is a great example of how to remix/update a track into a slightly newer style, whilst retaining what makes the original so good.
What CD is this on?
It’s on this (http://www.discogs.com/Various-Jungle-Beats-Vol-2/release/640623) which is the Japanese version of this (http://www.discogs.com/Various-Jungle-Rhythms-Volume-2/release/730638).
Just checking Discogs now and I was quite surprised that ‘Jo’ has some folk rock albums credited to her. Not sure I can look at my copy of R-Type in the same light now…
you may have bought the cd off my wife from my collection,williow82 via discogs
I bought it off a seller in Japan, but it seems like I have bought music from your wife, woah! :O
Cheers for the info TR 🙂