I just got a heads up today from John Morrow of Foul Play regarding a mini-mix of their classics… though with a back-catalog like theirs, it’s hard to call just a “mini-mix” since there’s about 60-90 minutes worth of top notch tunes crammed into about 20 minutes. Anyone who hasn’t checked their back catalog NEEDS to check this, though you should probably also dig around Beatport or Discogs and buy a bunch of these same tunes so you can appreciate them in a less abridged form. Between the many Moving Shadow classics plus their first couple of records on Oblivion (one of which I posted a track from here), they’re probably one of the most essential artists from that period, and their tunes seem to hold up amazingly well now. Also good to see that John is still doing tunes, currently under the name Skeleton Army. Big respect to Steve and John and RIP Steve Bradshaw.
Oh my gosh, what a megamix! Some really dank basslines and oldskool vocal samples. Lots of old favourites too, and immaculate mixing. These guys can do no wrong.
Too bad they use the “legal” version of Finest Illustion, though. That original vocal version is a heart melter.