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House of Brakes (Ed DMX) – The Arnos Groove

Here’s a “new oldschool” gem from 2002 which I think a lot of people missed out on. I actually had no idea about it until my friend Ed (not Ed DMX, another Ed) sent me this mp3… It’s by Ed DMX, who aside from doing massive amounts of lurvely electro-ey stuff as DMX Krew has down several wicked throwback hardcore EP … specifically Asylum Seekers – Hardcore House and this Chester Louis III single (the latter of which is maybe more early electro/house style but definitely has some proto-hardcore vibes to it). All of these singles have just the right amount of authenticity / retro to them, without it interfering with the music or coming off as some sort of crass recreational experiment.. wicked tunage which would be enjoyable no matter what year it was released.

In the case of this track, you’ve got slightly more modern sounding bass coupled with quality oldskool breaks and the “it’s partytime tonight” vocals from Todd Terry “Weekend” (or whatever disco song was sampled in that track). Points for the track title too, I can’t look at a tube map now without remembering this song.

House of Brakes – The Arnos Groove

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