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Dexxtrous – Something Out There

It amazes me that as many years as I’ve been collecting oldskool and as nerdy as I’ve been about it , I still find plenty of crazy tracks that I never had any idea about. Not just obscure white label stuff either, but tracks on relatively big labels, or by well known artist. Not sure where this track has been all my life, but I’m glad to know about it now! “Something Out there” is an excellent 93 dark jungle/hardcore track with grimey sinister synths, pitch shifted breaks, reversed samples, THE WORKS. This track’s author (Dexxtrous) is not to be confused with DJ Dextrous. In fact this EP is actually by J Majik, who did some blindingly essential bits on Metalheadz and whose Slow Motion album is one of my favorite dnb albums of all time. The label behind this release (Planet Earth) is more well known for their Lemon D EPs, which I’ll probably get around to posting at some point..

Props to Imaginary Forces for ID’ing this one for me a while back.. Hey I.F.: if you’re reading this, send me a link to that oldschool mix and I’ll post it here!

Dexxtrous – Somethin Out There

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