In preparation for Tim and I doing another darkside-meets-happy set (this time w/ me doing the happy stuff), here’s a happy favorite from quite early in the genre (93). I wish I could take credit for dredging this up myself, but I’m pretty sure it was in some Easygroove set or another, no doubt mixed with a german gabber track or ridiculous darkside tune. The elements here are simple but effective: an extremely loopy amen (no choppage here), a classic rave piano, that 28 gun bad boy fx sound, and a vocal snippet from Echo Minott – Murder Weapon (which received 2 volumes of its own jungle remixes on Jet Star), looped up in a catchy manner. That and MASSIVE bass which sort of helps you appreciate the skeletal nature of the tune (all the more room for that sub to break through). Another nice aspect of this tune is that the whole thing gets in and out quickly – the same few elements could have been tedious if this had been drawn out to, say, 6 and a half minutes, but at under 4 minutes it’s just long enough to mix properly but not long enough to get boring. A nice cheap fun bargain!
DJ Kev – Happy Trax Vol 2 B
9 years too late on this…. seem to have missed quite a few first time round on the blog.
Are we able to request links to be restored as quite a few tunes I’m after aren’t able to be downloaded any more?